Four ladies chain and you turn 'em,  You turn and chain 'em back home
Join hands and circle to the left in a ring, Left allemande and weave the ring
When this trouble passes over
Swing that girl, promenade her
It may not look that way right now, but trust me baby this is love

MIDDLE BREAK - CLOSER   Sides face, grand square
When this trouble passes over, you and I will walk away
Knowing that our love survive, another test of fade

allemande and weave the ring
You and I can walk on water, the river rises, we rise above
It may not look that way right now, but trust me baby this is love

TAG   Swing her  Trust me baby this is love

Heads promenade go halfway around  Walk in and square thru four hands around, All four hands and right and left thru 

Veer left and ferriswheel, Square thru three quarters round you know  Swing that corner, promenade that way
It may not look that way right now, but trust me baby this is love