OPENER - CLOSER    Circle to the left
Everybody's doing a brand new dance now

Now that you can do it, let's make a ring now
Come on baby, do the locomotion
Walk around your corner, seesaw your own now, Allemande left and weave around the ring
It's easier to learn than your A.B.C.'s

There's never been a dance so easy to do
Swing your lady round and promenade for me
Come on, Come on, do the locomotion with me

BREAK  Sides face, grand square
You move around the floor in a locomotion, Come on baby, do the locomotion
Do it holding hands if you get the notion, Come on baby, do the locomotion
All 4 ladies promenade and swing those hips, Promenade your man and kiss his lips
Come on, come on, do the locomotion with me

Come on, come on, do the locomotion with me

FIGURE Heads promenade and go 1/2 around now, Square thru and you go 4, 4 hands around and do a dosado
Swing thru tonight and let the boys run right, Do a 1/2 tag, trade and roll, then pass thru & trade by, Swing the corner, promenade oh me oh my
Come on, come on, do the locomotion with me