Circle left
Tell me ma when I go home, The
boys won't leave the girls alone
They pull my hair, they stole my comb, But that's all right till I go home
Allemande that corner girl, turn the partner right you whirl, Allemande
that corner girl, weave around the ring
I'll tell me ma when I go home,
the boys won't leave the girls alone
Swing and whirl the pretty 'ol girl, promenade that lady home
She is handsome, she is pretty,
she is the belle of Belfast City
She is a-courting one, two, three, pray would you tell me who is she
TAG Everybody circle left
She is a-courting one, two,
three, pray would you tell me who is she
(sides) square thru in the middle and you get 4 hands around, All the way and a
right & left thru and a turn the one you found
Veer to the left and couples circulate one time and then, Chain down the line
and turn that lady
Half sashay, star thru, trade by, the corner lady swing, Take her by the hand
and promenade you go walking round that ring
She is handsome, she is pretty,
she is the belle of Belfast City
She is a-courting one, two, three, pray would you tell me who is she