OPENER / Closer   Circle left
Big wheels keep on turnin', Carry me home to see my kin

Well I heard Mr. Young sing about her. Well I heard ol Neil put her down.
Allemande left your corner, dosado your own, Left allemande and weave the ring
Singing, sweet home Alabama, where the skies are blue
Sweet home Alabama, Lord I'm comin' home to you

MIDDLE BREAK   Sides face, grand square
....... Alabama, ....... Alabama ....... Alabama, .......

Allemande left and weave
Singing, sweet home Alabama, where the skies are blue
Sweet home Alabama, Lord I'm comin' home to you


Heads square thru four hands around now, Dosado that corner one, Swing thru tonight, and let the boys run
Bend the line and do the right & left thru, Pass the ocean and recycle
Swing the corner girl and promenade singing
Sweet home Alabama, Lord I'm comin' home to you