Opener / Break / Closer: SFGS

Big wheels keep on turning

Carry me home to see my kin

Singing songs about the south-land   Allemande Left an Weave the Ring

In Birmingham they love the Gov'nor, boo-hoo-hoo –

Now we all did what we could do

Now Watergate does not bother me   Allemande Left an Weave the Ring

Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers

And they've been known to pick a song or two

Lord they get me off so much   Allemande Left an Weave the Ring

Sweet home Alabama - Where the skies are so blue

Sweet home Alabama - Lord, I'm coming home to you

FIGURE:  Heads (Sides) Square Thru Four - Around the Corner with a Do Sa Do - Swing Thru – Girls Circulate – Boys Trade

Boys Run – Bend the Line - Touch ¼  - All Eight Circulate – Boys Run - Swing and Promenade

Sweet home Alabama - Lord, I'm coming home to you


Alternate Lyrics

Well I heard Mister Young sing about her - Well I heard ole Neil put her down

Well, I hope Neil Young will remember