Opener - Break - Closer   Heads Face Grand Square

She used to be somebodys baby, somebodys girl

She used to be some-somebodys Lady, She used to be some-somebodys World

Four Ladies Promenade you roll it get me inside around

Swing and Promenade that Track

somebody wants her back - (somebody wants her)

somebody wants her back - - (somebody really wants her)


somebody wants her back - (somebody wants her back)

somebody wants her back - (somebody wants her)

somebody wants her back



Well now the heads (sides) Square Thru you get me four hands round, Find the sides (heads) Right and Left Thru

Spin The Top Girls move up and then Box The Gnat, hang on do the Rught and Left Thru

Pass The Ocean, Swing Thru and then, Swing and Promenade her home

Everything´s gonna be different from how on

Caus I´m gonnan get right back what was my own