Opener: Sides Face Grand Square

I would have waited forever, if I'd known that you'd be here.

We could have shared our lives together, and held eachother close all (through the years.)

But I met someone before you, and my heart just wouldn't wait,

So no matter how much I adore you, I've got to stand behind (this promise that I made.)

Allemande Left and Weave

Where were you when I could have loved you?

(Where were you when I gave my heart away?)

Swing an Promenade

All my life, I've been dreaming of you, You came along one promise too late.


TAG:   You came along one promise too late.



Heads square thru 4 hands you go now, You meet the sides, a right & left thru, Touch 1/4 then, scoot back by the right again

Boys run right and do the right & left thru, Square thru 3, 3/4 round you go, Swing that girl next to you and promenade

All my life, I've been dreaming of you, You came along, one promise too late