Why early in the morning gonna hitch a ride down to
I wanta find myself a little cajun queen
Oh, sippin' on a
beer on Bourbon street I'm sittin' easy
Don't get me wrong, it takes a lot to please me
Walk around that corner girl see saw your baby
And then the men star by the right one time I say, easy boy
Find the corner girl and then left allemande
Do a dosado, promenade
And the Mississippi river runs like
molasses in the summer time
And me, you know, I don't hardly mind
I don't hardly mind
Head two you promenade and you go halfway, Do the right & left thru and you
turn I say
Dosado full around, face the corner, swing her, Left
allemande, gonna weave the ring, go get 'em boy
(*Guitar interlude)(*2nd
time: piano, 3rd time: guitar, 4th time: piano)
Dosado, promenade, you know
And the Mississippi river runs like
molasses in the summer time
And me, you know, I don't hardly mind