OPENER    Circle left
Love is in the air, everywhere I look around
Walk around your corner lady, see saw your own, and the men star right
Find your corner lady there and left allemande
Swing your own and promenade
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when I look in your eyes

MIDDLE BREAK - CLOSER   Sides face, grand square
Love is in the air....., love is in the air....
Oh, oh, ohhhhh...., oh, oh, ohhhhhh....
Allemande left with your corner, weave around the ring
Love is in the air....., love is in the air....
Oh, oh, ohhhhh...., oh, oh, ohhhhhh....

TAG   Love is in the air

Heads (sides) square thru 4 hands around the ring you go
Dosado, make a wave, girls trade, recycle
You veer to the left and ferris wheel, and the centers pass thru
Touch 1/4, scootback, scootback again
Swing your corner and promenade
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when I look in your eyes