Four ladies promenade one time around
Back home and swing and whirl that boy
Join hands and circle to the left you know
Allemande left and weave the ring
Oh - Oh - Oh listen to the music
Why don't you swing with your honey and promenade
Oh - Oh - Oh listen to the music - All the time

Sides face grand square
Like a lazy flowing river
Surrounding castles in the sky
And the crowd keeps growing bigger
Allemande left and weave the ring
Oh - Oh - Oh listen to the music
Why don't you swing with your honey and promenade
Oh - Oh - Oh listen to the music - All the time


Heads square thru four hands around

Dosado with your corner

Swing thru, girls circulate, boys trade

Boys run right and you bend the line

Star thru, square thru 3/4

Swing with your corner and promenade
Oh - Oh - Oh listen to the music - All the time