Intro - Closer

Four Ladies promenade you go inside the ring

come back and swing your man

Join hands Circle left

you moving and walking around that set

Left allemande, Weave the ring

Lage nome ai, nome ai

Swing your girl around and Promenade

lage nome ai, nome ai

He´s the man who gave up his own name


Middle Break (sides face Grand Square)

32 Beat Musical interlude

(note for an optional way to perform the middle break, listen to called side)

Four Ladies Promenade you go once inside that ring

come back Swing your man and Promenade that ring

Lage nome ai, nome ai

He´s the man who gave up his own name



He´s the man who gave up his own name



Heads/Sides couples promenade you go halfway around

come in and square thru four

Go all the way and then do the Right and Left Thru and turn my friend

Veer to the left and the Couples Circulate

You do a Half Tag - Scootback and go now

Swing that corner girl and Promenade

Lage nome ai nome ai

He´s the man who gave up his own name