Opener/MiddleBreak/Closer): Sides
I've got the
world on a string, I'm sitting on a rainbow
Got that
string around my finger, what a world, what a life - I'm in love
Solo – 32 Beats)
I've got the
world on a string, I'm sitting on a rainbow
Got that
string around my finger, what a world, what a life - I'm in love
– Allemande Left and
Weave That Ring
I've got a
song that I sing and I can make the rain go
Life's a
wonderful thing
I've got the
world on a string, I'm sitting on a rainbow
Swing your girl and
Promenade her
Lucky me, cant you see - I'm in love
I'd be a silly
so-and-so, if I should ever let you go
What a
world, what a life - Oh, what a world, what life
Tag:Oh what a world, what a life, cause I'm – Oh in love I'm
in love
Lucky me, cant you see - I'm in love