All four Ladies Chain the Ring hey li lee li lee lo

chain this Ladies home agein hey li lee li lee lo

Let´s join up hands and make a ring, Circle left go around I sing - Allemande Left the corner maid, Right and Left Grand is what I say

If you want to sing, it goes like this - hey li lee, li lee lo
Swing the lady go once around, Promenade and sin along

I know a girl, who lives on a hill - hey li lee li lee lo
She don't dance, but her sister will

I know a place we ought to go - hey li lee li lee lo
They square dance there all night, you know

Hey li lee li lee li lee - hey li lee li lee lo - Hey li lee li lee li lee - hey li lee li lee lo
Heads (sides) Promenade half way
hey li lee li lee lo
then Square Thru 4 Hands round,
hey li lee li lee lo
You Swing thru the outside two, Boys run to the right you do - Ferris Wheel in the middle and then Square Thru we´re gon again

Tree hands around in the middle and go, then you Swing the Corner Girl - Allemand left new corner maid, come back on & Promenade

Hey li lee li lee li lee - hey li lee li lee lo - Hey li lee li lee li lee - hey li lee li lee lo