Join your hands, make that ring
Now circle to the left like everything
With ah, hazel eyes
You allemande left your corner
You dosado your own
Men star left one time
Turn thru the partner, your corner allemande
Come on back and promenade, go walking round the land
Well are they green? No! Blue? No!
Well sort of in-between, wow! hazel eyes
1 & 3 promenade halfway round that big old ring
2 & 4 you do the right & left thru
Heads star thru, California twirl
Dosado the outside two you know, swing thru
Boys trade, girls circulate, box the gnat
Pull them by and swing the corner
Promenade the track
Well are they green? No! Blue? No!
Well sort of in-between, wow! hazel eyes


Figure für Open House (Holger Wilm)

1&3 (2&4) Promenade half way round that big old ring

Down the Middle do a DoSaDo and then Step out

2&4 (1&3) Promenade half way round that big old ring

Down the Middle do a DoSaDo and then Step out

All join hands and Circle to the left you go

Swing the Corner Lady, Promende around you know

Well are they green? No! Blue? No!
Well sort of in-between, wow! hazel eyes