A-ha, Mm-hm - I'm gonna get along without you now

A-ha, Mm-hm - I'm gonna get along without you now

FOUR LADIES CHAIN across – you turn that girl and then

 – CHAIN ‘em home and PROMENADE the ring

'cause all of a sudden you changed your tune

You haven't been around since way last June

I got along without you before I met you

Gonna get along without you now

So long my honey, Goodbye my dear

Gonna get along without you now


(Tag):  (Gonna get along) Gonna get along without you now


(Figure): HEAD COUPLES PROMENADE halfway around – come down the middle and PASS THE OCEAN

RECYCLE in the middle and then – PASS THRU – SWING THRU – BOY RUN RIGHT – BOYS CIRCULATE one time

GIRLS TRADE – HALF TAG – SCOOTBACK and then – SWING your girl and PROMENADE the ring

You ran around with every guy in town

You didn't even care if it got me down