OPENER   Sides Face Grand Square

Well Jo'anna she runs a country –

She runs in Durban and the Transvaal

She makes a few of her people happy, oh –

She don't care about the rest at all

Gimme hope, Jo'anna, Gimme hope, Jo'anna

Gimme hope, Jo'anna 'Fore the morning comes

Gimme hope, Jo'anna, Gimme Hope, Jo'anna

Hope before the morning comes


Gimme hope, Jo'anna, Gimme hope, Jo'anna

Gimme hope, Jo'anna 'Fore the morning comeS

Gimme hope, Jo'anna, Gimme Hope, Jo'anna

Hope before the morning comes


TAG: SWING  Gimme Hope before the morning comes


FIGURE Heads square thru 4 hands around There - dosado the outside two - swing thru one Time – Spin The Top

Boys move up and do the right And left thru - Square thru gimme 3 Hands around there

SWING the corner and you all PROMENADE ‘

But maybe pressure can make Jo'anna see - How everybody could a live as one