OPENER - MIDDLE BREAK - CLOSER Sides face, grand square
I met her on a monday and my heart stood still
They do run run run - they
do run run
Somebody told me that her name was Jill
They do run run run - they
do run run
Four boys promenade
inside that ring
Swing your girl and promenade her home
And when I walked her
home –
They do run run run - they do run run
They do run run run - they do run run
They do run run run - they do run run
Heads Make A Left Hand Star, Turn It You Know, To The Corner Right And Left Thru,
Veer Left, Couples Circulate Two Times
Two Times And Chain Down Your Line, Dance Up To The Middle And Back, Star
Thru, Swing Your Corner, All Promenade
And when I walked her
home –
They do run run run -
they do run run