4 ladies promenade, go walking around the ring I said, Gonna get back home, swing your man around
Join hands make that ring, Circle to the left and hear me sing, Left allemande that corner, weave that ring
Oh when them cotton balls get rotten
You can't pick very much cotton
Dosado, swing your lady, promenade
Promenade to Louisiana
About a mile from Texarkana
Then old cotton fields back home
Heads (sides) right & left thru, turn that girl, Square thru them old cotton fields back home, Right & left thru the outside 2
You turn that girl is all you do, Dosado make an ocean wave & then swing thru, Boys run to the right, wheel & deal, pass thru
Trade by, swing that corner, promenade
Promenade to Louisiana
About a mile from Texarkana
Then old cotton fields back home