Opener Circle left
Early one Christmas Day a joey kangaroo
Was far from home and lost in a great big zoo

Walk around your corner, see saw round this way - Allemande left the corner and weave around the sleigh
6 white boomers, snow white boomers
Swing that girl around and promenade for fun
6 white boomers, snow white boomers - On his Australian run
BREAK / ENDING  Sides face, grand square
Up beside the bag of toys, little Joey hopped
But they hadn't gone far when Santa stopped
Unharnessed all the reindeer and Joey wondered why
Then he heard a far off, booming in the sky
Pretty soon old Santa began to feel the heat
Took his fur lined boots off to cool his feet
Into one popped Joey, feeling quite OK
While the old man kangaroos kept pulling on the sleigh

allemande left and weave the ring  6 white boomers.......


TAG Swing her

FIGURE    Head ..................Swing your corner one and promenade for fun
6 white boomers, snow white boomers - On his Australian run