(Opener and Closer): circle left

A very old friend – came by today…

'cause he was telling everyone in town,

about the love that he just found

Would you believe that yesterday

This girl was in my arms and swore to me,

she'd be mine eternally

LEFT Allemande and do a do sa do – Allemande Left and Weave The Ring  He talked and talked and I heard him say,

That she had the longest blackest hair

Swing and Promenade the square   And Marie's the name of his latest flame

(Tag): And Marie's the name of his latest flame

– Swing your girl one time and then   And Marie's the name of his latest flame


(Figure): HEAD two COUPLES PROMENADE go halfway – Come down the middle and PASS THE OCEAN then, Centres RECYCLE – PASS THRU and SWING THRU – then the BOYS RUN to the RIGHT – BOYS CIRCULATE

 and the GIRLS you TRADE – HALF TAG and go – SCOOTBACK across and then your Corner SWING,      – PROMENADE go ‘round the ring

And Marie's the name of his latest flame