(Opener and Closer): circle left
A very old
friend – came by today…
'cause he was
telling everyone in town,
about the love
that he just found
Would you
believe that yesterday …
This girl was
in my arms and swore to me,
she'd be mine
LEFT Allemande and do a
do sa do – Allemande Left and Weave The Ring He talked and talked and I heard him say,
That she had
the longest blackest hair
Swing and Promenade the
square And Marie's the name of his latest flame
(Tag): And Marie's the name of his latest flame
– Swing your girl one
time and then And Marie's the name of his latest flame
(Figure): HEAD two
COUPLES PROMENADE go halfway – Come down the middle and PASS THE OCEAN then, Centres RECYCLE – PASS THRU and SWING THRU – then the BOYS
and the GIRLS you
TRADE – HALF TAG and go – SCOOTBACK across and then your Corner SWING,
– PROMENADE go ‘round the ring
And Marie's
the name of his latest flame