4 little ladies promenade go once around the ring go, Get along home and swing with your man, Join hands circle to the left around the ring go
Left allemande and weave the ring
I told the witch doctor, I was in love with you
Swing that girl around and promenade you go
Singin' ooh-ee-ooh-ah-ah, ting-tang, walla-walla-bing-bang
Ooh-ee-ooh-ah-ah, ting-tang, walla-walla-bing-bang

FIGURE Head couples promenade go halfway round the ring now, 2 & 4 do the right & left thru, 1 & 3 square thru go 4 hands around now
Dosado and do an eight chain 4
I told the witch doctor, I was in love with you
Swing that corner, promenade around and go (and he said)
Ooh-ee-ooh-ah-ah, ting-tang, walla-walla-bing-bang
Ooh-ee-ooh-ah-ah, ting-tang,