Opener Side Face Grand Square

Finding my way through the darkness, Guided by a beatin’ heart

I can't tell where the journey will end, But I know where to start

Allemande Left and Weave

They say that I'm too young to understand, That I'm caught up in a dream

(Swing Promenande)

Life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes. That's fine by me


Middle Break/Closer   Side Face Grand Square    

Instrumental  4 Boys Promanade -   Swing and Promanade 


Figure  -    Heads Promenade ½,  Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Eight Chain Six

So wake me up when it's all over, When I'm wiser and I'm older (Swing Promenande)

All this time I was finding myself, And I - I didn't know I was lost