ladies chain across, turn your lady do, Chain your lady send her back everybody
Join your hands you circle left fly away you do, Allemande left to the corner
of the hall and Weave the ring you go
Tie me kangaroo down, Sport, tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, Sport, tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, Sport, tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, Sport, tie me kangaroo down
TAG Swing ... HU! Tie me kangaroo down
couples square thru get me four hands round the ring you go, Arond your corner
lady, do a dosado, Right and left thru and then, you dive thru for me
Pass thru, right and left thru and turn your girl, Dive thru, pass thru, touch
1/4 go, Scoot back, swing and promenade
Loose me tie when I die, Si, loose me tie when I die
Loose me tie when I die, Si, loose me tie when I die
Don't you go and cry, Si, don't you go and cry
Don't you go and cry, Si, don't you go and cry