OPENER - MIDDLE BREAK - ENDING   Sides face, grand square
Just give me some of that rock 'n' roll music - Any old way you choose it
It's got a back beat you can't loose it - Any old time you use it
Circle left
Got to be rock 'n' roll music
Left allemande and promenade you see
Got to be rock 'n' roll music - If you want to dance with me

TAG    Swing
It's got to be rock 'n' roll music -If you want to dance with me
If you want to dance with me

4 ladies chain you go 3/4 round,You turn the girl and the heads box the gnat
Slide thru and then you dosado,Touch 1/4, then you scoot back, Joe
Boys run, reverse the flutter,Girls walk, boys dodge, left allemande, promenade
It's got to be rock 'n' roll music - If you want to dance with me