It doesn't matter what route you take, Sooner or later the hearts going to break

ALLEMANDE the corner and you DO SA DO, ALLEMANDE LEFT the corner WEAVE it and go…

Precious time is slipping away

SWING your girl and then you PROMENADE I say

It doesn't matter to which God you pray, Precious time is slipping away


(Middle Break and Closer): SIDES FACE GRAND SQUARE

(play your Saxophones,,,)!  (Instrumental)


Precious time is slipping away, But you're only king for a day

It doesn't matter to which God you pray, Precious time is slipping away


(Tag): It doesn't matter to which God you pray, Precious time is slipping away


(Figure): HEADS you PROMENADE halfway and go – walk right in PASS THE OCEAN and go, EXTEND – SWING THRU the BOY you RUN RIGHT –

FERRIS WHEEL and deal tonight, You PASS THRU – TOUCH A QUARTER come on SCOOTBACK and go, SWING that girl and now you all PROMENO

It doesn't matter to which God you pray, Precious time is slipping away