A lover's first touch, and dream of that night
She'll keep in her heart for the rest of her life

Those three little words, men find so hard to say
Mean so much to her have you told her today
Love's not a game, but there is a rule
Nothing's for granted and nothing's assumed

Left allemande, do sa do  -  Left allemande, weave the ring
Only a woman will understand (A shine of a diamond on her hand)
swing Promenade   What's so special about a rose, Only a woman knows

TAG   Four ladies chain over and back  Only a woman knows

Heads square thru four hands, with your corner do sa do, Swing thru and then, spin that old top
Boys move up and right and left thru, You square thru and get me three quarters round, Swing a little girl and promenade her home
What's so special about a rose, Only a woman knows