I'm Mr. Blue, When you say you love me

I´m Mr. Blue, When you say you´re sorry
Left allemande, run home a dosado, Left allemande and weave
I'm Mr. Blue 

Swing that girl, promenade her
Then you prove it by going out on the sly, Call me Mr. Blue
Then you'll turn around and head for the lights of town, Call me Mr. Blue

TAG    Call me Mr. Blue

FIGURE    Heads/sides square thru go 4 now, Go all the way you dosado, Swing thru, boys run right, You ferris wheel in the middle of the ring,

Get a right & left thru tonight, Come on and square thru 3/4 round that corner, swing, Swing that girl and promenade her
Then you prove it by going out on the sly, Call me Mr. Blue
Then you'll turn around and head for the lights of town, Call me Mr. Blue