Walk around your corner girl, come home a do paso, Turn the partner left and the corner right and the
partner by the left ellbow
You'll make an allemande thar the men to the middle
and you back right down the line, Slip the clutch, left allemande and weave
around the ring
Come on without, come on within
You'll swing your girl, promenade go walking round the ring
Come on without, come on within
You'll not see nothing like the Mighty Quinn
TAG You'll not see nothing like the Mighty Quinn
Head two couples promenade halfway there with the
prettiest maid, And you walk right in and square thru you're gonna get four hands around
Swing thru the outside two the boy run right around you'll do, Couples
circulate, wheel and deal to face and then
You'll make a right hand star, turn that star exactly half you'll see, Girls
U-turn back, swing your man and promenade for me
Come on without, come on within
You'll not see nothing like the Mighty Quinn