Four ladies promenade one time around - Back home and swing and whirl that boy
- Join hands and circle to the left you know - Allemande left and weave the
Oh - Oh - Oh listen to the music
Why don't you swing with your honey and promenade
Oh - Oh - Oh listen to the music - All the
MIDDLE BREAK Sides face grand square
Like a lazy flowing river - Surrounding castles in the sky
And the crowd keeps growing bigger
Allemande left and weave the ring
Oh - Oh - Oh listen to the music
Why don't you swing with your honey and promenade
Oh - Oh - Oh listen to the music - All the
Heads square thru four
hands around - Dosado with your corner - Swing thru,
girls circulate, boys trade - Boys run right and you
bend the line
Star thru, square thru ¾
- Swing with your corner and promenade
Oh - Oh - Oh listen to the music - All the