My ship lies waiting in the harbour,

Tomorrow for old England she sails
I heard there's a wicked war a blazing,

And the taste of war I know so very well
Though death and darkness gather all about me,

And my ship be torn apart upon the seas
Allemande left - dosado - Allemande left – weave  And I shall be aboard that ship tomorrow
Swing your girl and promenade her home   For you are beautiful, and I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell

TAG    More dearly than the spoken word can tell

FIGURE    Heads promenade your girl halfway - Down the middle and pass the ocean, extend - Girls trade, boys run around the girls, boys trade - Couples trade and bend the line - Square thru 3/4 round - Swing your corner and promenade
For you are beautiful, and I have loved you dearly
More dearly than the spoken word can tell