Lady Madonna, children at your feet
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet

Allemande left your corner, run back a dosado  - Allemande left the corner girl, weave around the ring
Friday night arrives without a suitcase

Tuesday afternoon is never ending
Swing the girl around and promenade
Monday's child has learned to tie his bootlace - See how they run

TAG   Swing your girl


Heads square thru now four hands around you go - Dosado the corner lady around you go - Swing thru and now, boys trade in the middle and go
Boys run around the girl, bend the line, up to the middle and back - Square thru 3 you go and you get me three now - Swing the girl and promenade
Monday's child has learned to tie his bootlace  See how they run
Thursday night your stockings needed mending  See how they run