OPENER - BREAK - CLOSER                              Called Side  Plus!!!!
All 4 ladies chain I say, then 1/2 sashay, Join 16, circle to the left around that way, 4 ladies rollaway, circle left & then, Allemande left the corner girl & weave around the ring
And keep on singing don't stop singing, you'll be a star someday
You're gonna make a lot of people happy, when they come to hear you play
Keep on singing let bells keep ringing, as you go from town to town
There's not much love in this ole world, so spread your songs around

You're gonna make a lot of people happy, when they come to hear you play

Head (side) couples promenade & go 3/4 round, Side pair go right & left thru, turn the girl you found, Pass thru, you dosado the outside pair and then, Fan the top, the boys move up & do the right & left thru, Flutterwheel across the floor and sweep 1/4 more, Pass thru, swing on the corner, promenade that ring
And keep on singing don't stop singing, you'll be a star someday
You're gonna make a lot of people happy, when they come to hear you play