Four little ladies promenade go one time, Well come on back and swing there with your guy, Join your hands circle left go moving round there, Left allemande gonna weave the ring
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it
Swing your girl and promenade her
I want to squeeze you, I want to please you
I know, I know, I really want you

MIDDLE BREAK   Sides face grand square

- - - Music only - - -
Well boys promenade inside the ring now, Well come on back and swing and promenade her
I know, I know, I really want you

Well the heads you promenade halfway around now, Lead to the right and circle to a line, Well go forward eight and back and pass the ocean, Spin chain thru and the girls circulate, Two times around there you better turn thru, Left allemande come back and promenade her
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it
I know, I know, I really want you