Lace up your boots and we'll truck on down

To a knocked out shack on the edge of town

It's a real homecoming' for all those cats

Just boogie down past the welcome mat

Left Allemande and you Dosido, Allemande left and weave the ring

There's fryers, broilers,

and Detroit- (Texas-, Carolina-)bar-b-que ribs

You’ll spend the rest of your life

Down at the house, the house, the house of blue lights

Tag:  The house, the house, the house of blue lights

FIGURE:  Heads (Sides) Promenade about half way round - Walk in and Pass the Ocean, Extend - Double Swing Thru – Recycle - Reverse your Flutterwheel

He’ll roll her, she’ll roll him - Swing your corner girl and Promenade

Fall in there and we'll see some sights

Down at the house the house the house of blue lights