Opener - Break - Closer       Sides face Grand Square                                                                                         Called Side PLUS!!

Well the beers on the Bar, smoke fillst air

Thereīs a fool on every corner that just donīt care

Tight pants, LineDance, Stetson Hats and Cowboy Boots

Well the waitress never leaves you with a half of a glass
And there's a girl on the dance floor a'shakin' her
It's a 2-step, 3-step, out of step country groove

Well the beer's on the bar and smoke fills the air
There's a fool in every corner that just don't care
It's a 2-step, 3-step, out of step country groove

Circle Left!! They got a Friday Night, get right Honky Tonk Attitude

Left Allemande, you Promenade  They got a Friday Night, get right Honky Tonk Attitude

Tag: They got a Friday Night, get right Honky Tonk Attitude

Figure  The Heads Promenade and go halfway around - Lead to the Rught but Square Thru go Three - Tree Quarters round now, - Trade By

Swing Thru, The Boys Run and Bend your Line - Left Touch a Quarter, All Eight Circulate - Girls Run, Swing Your Corner and all Promenade

They got a Friday Night, get right Honky Tonk Attitude