Get rhythm, when you get the blues
Come on get rhythm, when you get the blues
Do an allemande left with the corner girl  Turn your partner by the right you whirl - Do an allemande left and a right & left grand
Well it's a grand ole right and a right & left grand Every other girl with every other hand

Swing.... and you promenade the land
It only costs a dime, just a nickel a shoe - But oh what good it'll do for you
Get rhythm, when you get the blues

The rock and roll feelin' in your bones - Put taps on you toes, and get going
Get rhythm, when you get the blues

TAG   Get rhythm, when you get the blues
FIGURE Heads (sides) promenade your girl Get halfway round that big old world, Down the middle and square thru You get 4 hands round that ring you do
Go all the way and do a right & left thru Veer to the left and ferris wheel, Walk right in you do Square thru 3/4 round that ring
That corner swing, you promenade that ring
It only costs a dime, just a nickel a shoe - But oh what good it'll do for you
Get rhythm, when you get the blues