OPENER - BREAK - CLOSER You circle left
Bows and flows and angel hair - And ice cream castles in the air

Moons and Junes and ferris wheels - The busy dancin' way you feel
Tears and fears and feeling proud - To say I love you proud and loud
The men star right it's one time from there
Left allemande, weave the ring
Well I've looked at clouds from both sides now
You swing with your girl you promenade somehow
It's cloud illusions I recall - I really don't know clouds at all

TAG  You swing your girl there boy
I really don't know life at all

Heads square thru and you get 4 hands go  Your corner lady, dosado
Swing thru and the boys you trade  Boys run right and bend your line
Square thru 3 hands round and swing  Your corner girl you promenade the ring
It's cloud illusions I recall - I really don't know clouds at all