Opener / Break / Closer

Four Ladies Chain Across That Ring - You Roll Away and Circle Left - Four Ladies Roll Away and Circle Left that way

Allemande Left and Weave The Ring

Delta Dawn, what’s the flower you’ve got on

Swing your girl around and Promenade

And did I hear you say, he was meeting you today

To take you to his mansion in the sky



To take you to his mansion in the sky



Heads go Right and Left thru and turn your  girl - Pass the Ocean, Extend and the Girl Trade - Boy Run Right and the Boy Trade - Couples Trade

Bend the Line, Right and Left Thru - Dixie Style, Boy Cross Run, Boy Run around the girl and then - Take her by the hand and all will Promenade

Well did I hear you say, he was meeting you today

To take you to his mansion in the sky