[Opener, Middle Break & Ending ]
Sides face grand square,
Well get your motor running, Head out on the highway,
Look-en for adventure, In what ever come our way,
Like true natures child, We were born, Born to be wild,
We have climbed so high, We never what to die,
Allemande and weave.
Yeah, dar-ling, gon-na make it hap-pen,
Born to be wild, Yeah,
Swing your girl and all promenade,
Fire all of your guns at once, And explode in-to
Born to wild.
[ Tag ] Born to be wild,
Born to be wild.
[ Figure ] Heads/Sides
Promenade go bout half way, Down the middle square-thru,
Four hands I-say, Swing-thru that way, Boy run right, Ferris wheel, In the middle square-thru three hands round
now, Turn corner left, Role-promenade now,
Fire all your Guns at once, And explode in-to Space.