OPENER - BREAK - CLOSER   Circle left
Well folks call me a mavrick guess I ain't too diplomatic
I've just never been the kind to go along

Do an allemande left your corner, come back a dosado her - Do an allemande left and weave it to this song
Sometimes you just can't be afraid to wear a different hat
You're gonna swing that girl around and you promenade like that
Nothing ventured nothing gained Sometimes you've got to go against the grain

TAG  Nothing ventured nothing gained
Sometimes you've got to go against the grain

Well the heads promenade halfway round I said - Lead to the right and do the right & left thru - You swing thru you go, boys run right you know
Bend the line go rockin' round you do - You slide thru and square thru 3/4 round and swing - Swing that girl around and you promenade that ring
Go bustin' in like old John Wayne Sometimes you've got to go against the grain